Monday, December 6, 2010

Cloudy Weather and rain

Part 1

In land The clouds clings to a front when the wind starts to blow. And then a tropical storm.

Sun set is dramatic, as you can capture three types of weather all in one go. And the colours are amazing !

Cloudy weather!

The next two photos have been taken on different days Exactly at 11.32 am of the same setting , both taken wit the same camera lens and ISO 800.

First: in Sun light

Second: in rain cloudy weather.

Conclusion : the fact that F stops are more accurate in Digital cameras we have F13 as well as F14. So I assume this is F1.5 stops more open in aperture . To allow for the lower light level. 

Step 2 

Two past photographs taken on a cloudy day.
The reason why they would not have been better in sun light?

Land scape . I would never have taken this picture on a clear day. Cloud gives depth and fills the sky. Making the setting more interesting. Reflecting in the water. softening the light , making colours richer. If the picture had been taken with a clear blue sky and harsh sun . The colours would have been bleached. Shadows, to harsh, the sky would bring the eye direct to the foreground and split the land scape in two.

The same reason with this photograph,
The over all image would have no meaning, the whites would have been bright and blinding. making exposure difficult, causing the white to become dark or the sky over exposed. Shadows would have been extreme.

Second part 3 photos taken on an over cast day. This is to show shadow and colour :

Well here it is . My trip to the tip of borneo to take low light low level sun. And all I got was over cast weather.

This photograph of the pools at the tip of Borneo would not look clear if taken in bright sun light . The sun would have been burning out high lights reflecting of the water. And the over all picture would have been harsh. this soft light brings out colour of the sand stone. 

This picture also may have been better with a bit of broken cloud in the back . Nevertheless, the shadows are softer, giving detail in the shadow area.  Losing texture and mood. 

This works in sun light, and in over cast lighting due to the depth of the wind eroded rock being held by mini over hangs. Giving slight shadow. The three photos are as they were un re touched . Giving some sharpen and contrast . They can be made much more of a stronger image.

RAIN : Part 3 
Armed with a 1D MKIII body and a 70-200 L lens . As they are said to be water resistant sealed. I braved the tropical storm out side my apartment, and took the following pictures, and many more. At Some time I would like to do a port folio on just rain. As I love the change and refections of what rain produces. Using High ISO 800 or higher and fast Shutter speeds. Because of the fuzziness that rain produces . High ISO I find , the noise is not a concern.  To capture droplets the water droplets, plunging into puddles, and bouncing off objects. Running of cars, leaves, and drain pipes. I must get to the street and take more.

Rain ! 

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